iiNet upgrades Kyle’s slow internet in under 24 hours

When Kyle decided to visit his mum from overseas, the last thing he expected to do was deal with her NBN provider. However, his mum's slow internet speed meant that Kyle needed to change her plan because it was difficult to get anything done online with her current plan. When Kyle called iiNet to inquire, he was told there was nothing that could be done for him. After a few more tries, Kyle decided to use Ajust’s consumer platform. Within 24 hours, the issue was resolved and Kyle’s mum now has much faster internet.

The Experience

“Fundamentally unworkable, unusable and non-upgradable NBN”

Kyle flew in from overseas all the way to Canberra, Australia, to spend some time with Mum. We imagine it was going well - Kyle was happy to be eating mum's cooking again and they were getting some fantastic quality time together. The only issue with this otherwise perfect family reunion was the terrible internet speed at Kyle’s mum's house. 

When Kyle tried to get a few tasks done online, he noticed how abysmally slow the internet was. He decided to check the internet plan his mother was currently on and saw that she was on the 12Mbps plan. 

At this moment, Kyle understood they were simply just getting what they paid for. The extremely low megabytes were the reason behind the infuriatingly slow internet. It was so bad in fact, the title for this section is inspired by Kyle’s own description of his mother's internet - “fundamentally unworkable, unusable and non-upgradable NBN” (we’ll get to the non-upgradable part in just a sec). 

Kyle decided to do what anyone in this situation may do, and decided they had to upgrade their internet plan.

The Complaint

Can no one help? 

All Kyle needed to do was call up iiNet and let them know they would be needing a higher internet speed for their monthly plan. 

Once Kyle got on the phone with a customer service representative from iiNet, Kyle explained the situation and let them know what he would like to do next. The customer service listened to Kyle’s thoughts and responded by saying they could not change the plan as their NBN line could not get verified at that time. 

We could tell Kyle was eager to get his mum's internet sorted before he left the country again, so this response was understandably disappointing. He decided to check the online account with NBN and received the same explanation. 

Kyle went ahead and called NBN for a second time, thinking that maybe speaking with someone different might help the situation. When Kyle spoke to a customer service representative on this try, they told him they couldn’t do anything except wait for the NBN to upgrade in their specific area.

This confused and frustrated Kyle further. He would have understood this response if they lived in a rural area where access to NBN connections is often limited. However, they lived in a suburban town and were certain none of their local friends and neighbours had a similar issue with their internet speeds. 

Unsatisfied with the response as the reasoning didn’t add up for Kyle, he contacted iiNet a few more times. Unfortunately, his efforts only yielded the same results, over and over again. At this point, Kyle was exhausted and mentally drained from talking to representative after representative, just to be told the same thing.

Kyle had travelled from overseas to spend time with his mum and instead, he was wasting time on the phone trying to get her internet plan changed. Most people would agree, changing our internet plan isn’t something that should take a particularly long time. Kyle was spending days trying to do this for his mum, only to feel like he was going nowhere. 

Just a bit more

If you’re experiencing slow internet speed, then there can be a lot of factors at play. Things like the structure of your house, the upload speed you are paying for and your residential location can all impact how fast your internet is. Nevertheless, you should always get what you're paying for. A good way to test this out is to do a speed test for your internet. We’ve written about how you can conduct a speed test for your internet here, as well as more tips on dealing with slow internet. Check it out! 

The Resolution

Finally! We have better internet 

Everything Kyle tried to do didn’t work in getting his issue resolved, so he tried something different. We imagine Kyle found about Ajust while searching for complaint resolution help with his telco provider. He decided to give Ajust a go for his complaint. 

Kyle came onto the Ajust website and filled out the relevant details about his complaint. He provided information about the slow internet speed and attached any relevant screenshots where possible. After Kyle submitted all the information, a complaint report was compiled for Kyle’s situation. The report was sent off directly to the right people at iiNet. 

When iiNet received the complaint, they responded immediately. In less than 24 hours, Kyle’s mum's internet was changed to a much faster 50MB. 

In Kyle’s words: 

“Complaint received, ticket generated, communications prompt and transparent, action undertaken within 24hrs by the ISP, follow-ups by Ajust were prompt and concise.”

We can imagine the relief Kyle must have felt after wasting days on the phone trying to get the issue taken care of. Now, Kyle can go back to spending time with his mum during his visit to Australia and not worry about the slow internet speed. 

We’re glad Kyle decided to use Ajust. It's quick, easy and we’d say it’s a lot better than waiting on hold before you can talk to someone. If you’ve got a complaint, let us know and we’d be happy to help. 

Editor’s note: We’re always excited to share the experiences of consumers that have used Ajust. This Consumer Story is based on a real complaint made through our platform. But we’ve changed some details to protect the consumer's personal information and make the story more enjoyable for our readers.


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