Optus gives free month of internet for slow connection

William was experiencing extremely slow internet speeds for a while, unable to have it resolved with Optus. With some help from Ajust, William’s internet speeds are back to normal and Optus provided a refund of one months’ fees for his trouble. With the Ajust platform, William had his slow internet speed complaint resolved within 4 business days.

The Experience

“Diabolically slow internet”

All William wanted to do after getting home from work was to put on an episode of his favourite show, kick back and unwind from his day. He sank into his couch and opened up the Netflix app, only to be met with an endless loading screen. 

He checked his internet speed, and he saw it was still at 0.2mb/s. William let out a big sigh, realising that his Optus internet speed still had issues.  

Slow internet speed can be very frustrating and William felt like he wasn’t getting what he was paying for. With this prolonged issue, and building irritation, he was ready to switch internet providers if Optus couldn’t resolve it. As a long time customer of more than 3 years, he thought it would be a pity to leave, however without the appropriate resolution, he felt he had no other choice.  

The Complaint

Speaking to Optus about his complaint directly

You can imagine that William would’ve taken some steps to try and resolve the issue himself. He probably started by restarting his modem and checked that the cables were in working condition. But after waiting a while for his internet to get back to speed, he realised it was likely an issue from the provider’s side. Check out our easy guide on slow internet speed if you need help troubleshooting. 

When this didn’t work, he decided to call an Optus customer service representative. However, even after several calls with Optus directly, his internet speed remained slow. Each time he had been told that Optus was working on some nearby towers, but there wasn’t any improvement for a few weeks.

With all the time spent waiting to speak to customer service, and waiting for his internet to come back, William was left feeling exasperated. 

Just a bit more

In Ajust’s experience, Optus may not be the easiest to resolve slow internet speed complaints with. It can take a longer time to fix the issue, and may take more effort to reach a satisfactory result. 

You can learn about how you can make a complaint with Optus here

The Resolution

A quick response from Optus

Ajust sent the complaint to Optus on a Tuesday, and the issue was resolved by Friday of the same week. It was great to see that Optus was responsive about the complaint and had a solution within a few business days. 

The internet was working again! Even better, for all the trouble that William went through over several weeks, Optus also provided a refund of $65 for a month of internet he wasn’t able to use. 

William was so relieved about his internet speed being back to normal and was glad that Ajust could help him resolve it quickly. 

At Ajust, we don’t follow up with what our clients do in their personal time, but we can imagine what happened next. He probably felt a weight lift off his shoulders. We’re picturing William diving back into episodes of his favourite show. Will it be Netflix or Stan? While we won’t know for sure, we can relate to being able to relax without worrying about the show buffering every few seconds. 

Plus, given that his internet service was back on track, he no longer felt like he had to switch providers. 

He reached back out to thank Ajust and said: 

“Ajust worked successfully and quickly.”

We’ve all experienced slow internet speeds at some point, however if the issue does not resolve, you can always go through Ajust

If you want to learn more about making a telco complaint, read our quick guide here. If you’re having issues with your NBN, we also have a guide to help you here

Editor’s note: We’re always excited to share the experiences of consumers that have used Ajust. This Consumer Story is based on a real complaint made through our platform. But we’ve changed some details to protect the consumer's personal information and make the story more enjoyable for our readers.


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