Telstra lets Cooper stay on his original mobile and internet plans

Cooper is a loyal consumer. His philosophy is “why change something that’s working well”. That’s exactly how he felt about his mobile and internet plans with Telstra. He’d been on them for a while and wanted to stay put. So he was confused when Telstra said he had to change to new plans. Cooper made a complaint using Ajust’s platform. Two days later, the issue was solved and he was back to the comfort of his original plans.

The Experience

Goldilocks plans from Telstra

Cooper is a rare breed of consumer. He doesn’t chase the latest deals and he doesn’t impulse buy every time he sees a glossy ad campaign. He’s content and he’s loyal. As long as everything is working properly, Cooper is happy sticking with what he’s got.

And that’s exactly how he felt about his mobile and internet plans with Telstra.

As far as Cooper was concerned, he’d found his Goldilocks plans: data, cost, service - everything was just right. But, just like Goldilocks bursting in on the bears’ house, something interrupted this peaceful state of affairs. There was a mix up with Telstra. Once the dust settled, Cooper was told he couldn’t stick with his old mobile and internet plans.

The Complaint

I don’t want to change plans!

Cooper wasn’t sure what the problem was. From his perspective, everything was fine with his mobile and internet plans and there was no reason to switch to something new. He felt that Telstra was making a mistake. He wanted to clear things up with them, before it was too late to go back to his old plans.

Some say change is as good as a holiday. But for a loyal consumer like Cooper, changing plans is like a business trip where the airline loses your bags.

Cooper jumped on board the Telstra help channels to sort out the issue. But unfortunately there was no take off. He spent hours of his time adventuring through the Telstra app trying to fix the problem with no success.

Starting to feel like he’d been stuck on the tarmac for hours, Cooper decided it was time to try a different approach by using Ajust’s resolution platform to communicate his issue with Telstra. Cooper remarked at how simple and easy it was to use Ajust. After providing some essential details and relevant information, Ajust was able to finalise Cooper’s resolution request and send it through to Telstra.

Just a bit more

Do you have a copy of your telco contract? It’s good to retain a copy of the contract you signed and keep it handy, in case you ever run into issues with your provider. Your contract is one of the first places you’ll need to look to see if what’s happening is okay or not. Your telco provider generally isn’t allowed to breach the terms of your contract or make sudden changes to the agreement (and neither can you). If you feel there’s something unfair happening, then you can always talk to your telco provider to get things sorted. 

We’ve compiled a couple of tips on the best way to approach a complaint with your telco provider, read it here. Alternatively, you can always try using Ajust to resolve your issue.

The Resolution

Goldilocks plans restored

When Telstra received the resolution request from Ajust, they had all the information they needed to get in touch with Cooper. Within 2 days, a very helpful Telstra customer service representative had phoned Cooper and together they worked up a solution to Cooper’s issue. Ultimately, peace was restored for Cooper as his Goldilocks mobile and internet plans were reinstated.

Realistically things do go wrong from time to time, especially with large organisations. Telstra is one of Australia’s largest telcos so it’s only natural to expect things to go wrong every now and then. What matters more though is Telstra’s response to the issue which was great. Telstra was quick to respond and help Cooper resolve the issue by reinstating his old mobile and internet plans. If you find yourself with an issue, one option you have is to use Ajust. Ajust helps you explain your issue to your provider and makes sure it gets sent to the right place. 

Cooper thanked the team at Ajust for the help in getting a quick resolution to his concerns. You’re welcome Cooper - we’re glad that things are back to normal!

Editor’s note: We’re always excited to share the experiences of consumers that have used Ajust. This Consumer Story is based on a real complaint made through our platform. But we’ve changed some details to protect the consumer's personal information and make the story more enjoyable for our readers.


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