Terrence uses Ajust to chase up delayed CBA bank card

Terrence had recently moved to Australia and opened an account with CBA to do his banking. Unfortunately, there was an unexpected delay with receiving his bank card. The delay dragged out for several weeks. When Terrence decided to resolve the issue using Ajust, the issue was settled in about a week.

The Experience

Getting a new bank card  

Terrence had just moved to Australia and decided to open an account with Commonwealth Bank (CBA) - a very popular choice!

After his accounts were set up, he was told that he would receive his physical bank card in the mail. Terrence was told that the typical time frame to receive a card was about 2 weeks. Bank cards are still sent through the post, so he knew he had to wait a little before getting his physical card.

Two weeks went by, and nothing. He decided to give it a few more days, as things do get delayed in the post. However, 3 weeks passed and Terrence still had not received anything in the mail.

Most people use their bank cards everyday, so you can imagine how frustrating it was for Terrence. Especially with many shops and vendors moving towards cashless transactions, this can be a massive inconvenience.

Here's a taste of what it's like to withdraw money without a bank card:

  • You need to visit a branch of your bank in person
  • Once you’re there, you will need to confirm your identity 
  • Then, you will need to tell a bank officer how much cash you would like to withdraw from your account 
  • Once the bank officer approves the amount, they will hand the cash over to you 

As you can imagine, this is a very tiring and inconvenient process. 

The Complaint

A hold up with Terrence’s bank card 

Terrence was considering the options he had to solve this issue. Obviously, the simplest solution was for him to receive his card at the earliest possible date. It didn’t really make sense for him to change banks at this point, as all banks have the same process of having to wait for your bank card in the mail. So Terrence decided to use Ajust to chase up his delayed bank card. 

At Ajust, we can understand the sense of urgency Terrence must have felt. Bank cards are central to making everyday transactions. Whether this is buying groceries or filling up petrol, it is necessary to have your card on you.   

There's also a high chance that Terrence didn't have any online payment methods set up like Apple wallet or Google pay, as those also need physical card details to get started.

With Ajust, Terrence could easily explain all the important points of his complaint through an intuitive online experience. He included details of how long he had been waiting, and why it was important he needed to get his card soon. Once everything was compiled, a detailed report was sent to CBA.

Just a bit more

If you’re struggling to get through to your bank regarding a complaint, you have the option to turn to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) for help. However, before you go to AFCA, one of their main requirements is that consumers attempt to complain directly to their bank first. 

Complaining to your bank can be a stressful process, so we’ve put together a guide that can help you get the most out of your next interaction with your bank. 

The Resolution

CBA sends out the card 

Ajust made sure that Terrence's complaint reached the right people at CBA, so they could resolve it as soon as possible.

Terrence’s complaint made through Ajust was closed in 1 week. CBA confirmed with Ajust that they had sent the card out to Terrence and the complaint was resolved. 

We hate to think how much longer Terrence would have had to go without a bank card. At Ajust, we were happy to get the chance to help him out! 

As we've said, it's annoying not to have your bank card. But CBA has over 15 million customers, so small mistakes like this can happen. The main thing is that the bank listened to the complaint Terrence sent through Ajust - and sorted out the problem pretty quickly after that.

Ajust is a helpful intermediary that can make the whole experience easier for you and your bank. Give it a try now.

Editor’s note: We’re always excited to share the experiences of consumers that have used Ajust. This Consumer Story is based on a real complaint made through our platform. But we’ve changed some details to protect the consumer's personal information and make the story more enjoyable for our readers.


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