AGL fixes Emily’s in-app energy tracking

Emily uses AGL’s app to monitor her energy usage, putting her mathematical skills to good use by working to reduce her environmental footprint. She was disappointed to notice that the data had stopped loading. Emily wasn’t having much luck in getting AGL to fix the problem, so she turned to Ajust. Ajust helped Emily report the issue to AGL and within just 24 hours, the issue had been resolved and Emily was able to see her usage data again in the app.

The Experience

App to track energy usage

Emily is a mathematician and of course absolutely loves numbers. She uses her love of numbers to reduce her environmental footprint.

Emily has invested in low energy appliances like her dishwasher and changed every single light in her house to LED - the changes she’s made have reduced her energy usage by about 40%. Even after using the heater on cold Melbourne winter nights, Emily’s usage is well below average.

AGL’s app has been very helpful for Emily on her mission to reduce her environmental impact. She can see hourly and daily figures because her smart meter sends the data to AGL in increments. Emily loves this information as it validates her efforts and makes her feel good about the positive impact she is having. The app also helps her anticipate and budget for her energy bill.

The Complaint

New efficient heater

Through tracking her electricity usage, Emily knew her old heater was the single biggest culprit in her household. The time was right to move to a more efficient model, so she contacted her friend Marko who had just started his own air conditioning business. Within a week, Emily had a brand new heater installed.

Once all the tests had been run and they knew the heater was working properly, Marko packed up and left Emily to enjoy the warmth (and of course the warm glow you get from helping the environment).

No data, oh no!

Emily expected her energy usage to drop significantly thanks to the efficiency of her new heater. She popped on the kettle, made a nice hot cup of English Breakfast tea and sat down. Feeling very snug and cosy, Emily opened the AGL app to check her energy usage.

Much to her surprise, the usage data wasn’t showing properly!

Emily wasn’t quick to panic - she thought it would be easy for AGL to fix the problem. When Emily contacted AGL, they let her know that they were aware of the issue. They were working on having it fixed within the week.

Well, let’s just say a week turned into a month and Emily was really missing being able to monitor her usage through the app. She felt as though her requests for help weren’t going anywhere. Each time she spoke to AGL, the estimated resolution date kept getting pushed further into the future.

Emily decided that it was time to explore another avenue for help, which is when she turned to Ajust.

Just a bit more

Did you know that a smart meter measures your energy usage digitally? They also measure when you used that energy, typically in increments of 30 minutes. This information is sent to your energy retailer remotely without the need for manual meter readings.

Here are some other benefits of smart meters:

  • Detailed information to help you manage your electricity usage
  • Support for batteries and other modern electrical devices
  • Information about energy quality and blackouts to automatically alert your provider if there’s an issue

To find out more, you can visit the Australian Energy Regulator’s page about smart meters.

The Resolution

Emily gets her data back

Emily desperately wanted to see her usage in the app so that she could see how efficient the new heater was. She was excited when she discovered Ajust because she trusted that Ajust would be able to help her resolve the issue with AGL.

Ajust’s resolution platform made it very easy for Emily to provide the information and made sure Emily’s request was sent to the right people at AGL.

After just one day, Emily was contacted by AGL with the fantastic news that the issue had been resolved. Sure enough, she opened the app and her usage data was now showing. Emily was impressed that Ajust was able to help resolve her issue so quickly, especially after she’d been trying for over a month herself. AGL even applied a $40 credit for the inconvenience.

The team at Ajust love hearing about great outcomes like this and were even more thrilled by Emily’s feedback. Emily said Ajust “helped enormously” and achieved “almost immediate positive action”.

She even made her views on Ajust clear with some well placed all caps: “immense appreciation THANK YOU AJUST”.

Good on you Emily for making such great use of your mathematical skills to reduce your environmental footprint. Enjoy that new heater!

Editor’s note: We’re always excited to share the experiences of consumers that have used Ajust. This Consumer Story is based on a real complaint made through our platform. But we’ve changed some details to protect the consumer's personal information and make the story more enjoyable for our readers.


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