Spintel refunds $135 for Rick's returned router

When Rick wanted to return his router, he let Spintel know and ensured he returned it correctly. Afterwards, Rick noticed that even though Spintel had received his router, they hadn’t refunded him the $135 for it. Rick’s attempts to reach out to Spintel and get the matter sorted didn’t work out, so instead he decided to use Ajust. Rick was refunded his money soon after.

The Experience

Returning a modem 

If you’ve been responsible for getting the internet set up in your home, then you likely understand that purchasing a modem and router come as part of the deal. As a matter of fact, if a consumer does not already have a modem or router that is suitable, many telcos are happy to offer a package that includes the right hardware. Needless to say, routers and modems form a pretty important part of having a working internet. 

Often, when consumers no longer need the new hardware they have the option to return it back to the Telco. Ajust user Rick found himself with a router he didn’t need from Spintel. We didn’t push Rick for specific details, so we can’t confirm whether Rick had no use for the router, reached the end of his contract or was simply switching to another provider. The important thing to know is that Rick was returning an unused router still in its original packaging to Spintel. 

The Complaint

Hey, where is my refund? 

It all sounds pretty straight forward, right? Consumer has a router, consumer no longer requires it and sends the brand new router back for a refund. In line with Australian consumer law, this is something Rick should be able to do. Generally speaking, all Australian consumers have the right to return a brand new item within a reasonable time frame. 

So, Rick went about the process of returning his router back to Spintel. He would have confirmed with them that he was sending it back then followed Sprintel’s return instructions to get the router back to them. 

He did his part correctly and made sure the router reached the right place. Afterwards, Spintel acknowledged they had received Rick’s returned router.  

The issue began when it came time for Rick to receive his refund. Spintel acknowledged they had received the router but they didn’t transfer the $135 refund they owed Rick. 

Rick understood that mistakes can sometimes happen. He decided to send Spintel an email letting them know that he still hadn’t received his refund yet. Rick waited patiently but a few weeks went by and he still didn’t hear back from Spintel. We can imagine how frustrating that would have been. Rick decided not to give up and over the next few days, he emailed Spintel again. 

Unfortunately, Rick still didn’t hear back from them. At this stage, Rick was wondering whether he would see the $135 he was owed at all. 

Just a bit more

If you're thinking about complaining to your telco but are wondering about their complaints process, then it's always handy to know that there’s a national minimum standard for all complaint handling procedures for Australian telcos. The Telecommunications (Consumer Complaints Handling) Industry Standard 2018 sets the minimum for what all telco providers must be doing, such as having a written complaints process, timeframe for fixing urgent complaints, keeping records and much more! 

This way, you can be aware of what to expect when you contact your telco. Read our useful guide here for more expert tips. Alternatively, you can always use Ajust to resolve a complaint with your telco provider. 

The Resolution

Spintel refunds Rick $135

It seemed like whatever Rick did, he wasn’t able to get his message across to Spintel. So, Rick decided to give Ajust a go. Ajust was designed to take the stress out of following up with your complaint. He opened up the Ajust website and followed the prompts to provide all the relevant details. Once Rick was done, a report was generated that had all the information about Rick’s complaint. It only took 2 minutes, but from there, it was sent directly to the right people at Spintel. 

After that, the problem was resolved pretty quickly! Rick was refunded his $135 in a short amount of time, after he had gone a while without receiving any response at all. Rick let us know that he was pleased with the outcome and was glad he decided to use Ajust, as he felt he was going nowhere with his complaint before that.  

When you run into an issue, it’s a wise idea to contact your telco provider. It’s important they understand that when a problem occurs, telco providers will almost always want to help you solve it. Remember, resolving an issue is not just in your best interest, it’s in theirs as well! 

However, things don’t always go to plan. When this happens, it’s great to have a third party platform that can be used to make sure your complaint is making its way to the right people. Here at Ajust, we’re thrilled Rick knew about Ajust and gave it a try - after all, Ajust was created to help consumers just like him. 

If you have a complaint that seems to be getting lost amidst everything, then try giving Ajust a go and we’ll make sure you're being heard.  

Editor’s note: We’re always excited to share the experiences of consumers that have used Ajust. This Consumer Story is based on a real complaint made through our platform. But we’ve changed some details to protect the consumer's personal information and make the story more enjoyable for our readers.


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