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Shannons is a well-established insurance company in Australia, offering a range of policies for classic cars, motorcycles, and home and contents. Some customers have expressed concerns about the lengthy claims process and high premiums. However, Shannons is known for its extensive coverage options and dedicated customer service team.

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Unknown car issue

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Unknown car issue


June 5, 2024

Frustration, car damage

Outcome Sought





Delayed payout after car write off

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Delayed payout after car write off


April 26, 2024

Customer is without a vehicle

Outcome Sought





Lack of response sorting out

I used Ajust to create a complaint. Fast, fair and free.
My complaint was closed by Ajust.
Lack of response sorting out


February 15, 2024

Lost/damaged items

Outcome Sought





Poor communication and treatment

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Poor communication and treatment


Disappointed and disheartened

Outcome Sought





Lack of communication

I used Ajust to create a complaint. Fast, fair and free.
My complaint was closed by Ajust.
Lack of communication


Unable to use vehicle, inconvenience, costly

Outcome Sought




Unjust invoice for incident

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Gurpreet Kaur
Unjust invoice for incident

Gurpreet Kaur

Customer feels wronged and stressed

Outcome Sought




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Unknown car issue

I used Ajust to create a complaint. Fast, fair and free.
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June 5, 2024

Customer seeking buy back for car from shannons due to unresolved issues and poor treatment, requesting contact from higher authority.
Everything no one has any idea what the issue is with my car what so ever had my car 8 months still got no idea . Assessor is rude some staff rude some nice. Got no idea . Write my car off but wont let me buy it back unregisted for sentimental reasons after the way they have treated my car and damaged it i deserve to buy it back for next to nothing .. get someone higher than Ian to contact me because his got no idea .

Delayed payout after car write off

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April 26, 2024

Customer's car was towed 12 days ago, seeking update and apology from shannons. unimpressed with service and long wait times on phone.
My car was a write off and taken 12 days ago by your tow truck company. I have not heard anything since and have made several phone calls waiting hours on the phone to get through. I find this service really bad. I am without a vehicle as I have not received my payout. I am so unimpressed with the service and the wait times on the phone - so bad.

Lack of response sorting out

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February 15, 2024

Lack of response in sorting out contents claim and offering inferior replacements for lost/damaged items from shannons.
Lack of response sorting out a contents claim, and offering inferior replacements to my lost/damaged items.

Poor communication and treatment

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Customer is dissatisfied with shannons insurance due to lack of communication, treatment, and handling of claim, including excess payment and investigation process.
2nd April <br /><br />SHANNONS <br />I am writing in regards to my policy and the claim I lodged on the 19th of February 2024 claim number <br />I am both disappointed and disheartened with the lack of communication and the treatment I have received throughout this “process”. <br />• At day 43 since my claim was lodged, I am yet to receive an outcome for my claim. <br />• A hire car was not voluntarily offered to me as my policy allows and the 21 days allowable was not given to me as a first option. I had to specifically request both of these things. <br />• Prior to being told an external agency will be investigating my claim, I was forced to extend my rental privately with Hertz as I still had no word on the progress of my claim after 21 days. <br />• Payment of the excess was expected without further options at the time of my claim and I was told my claim will not progress until the excess was paid;<br />• At day 14 I was informed a claims manager had not been allocated to my case as yet;<br />• A period of 3 weeks from lodgement passed before I was able to speak directly with my claims manager who provided me with no information other than my claim was being investigated by an external agency of Shannons choosing;<br />• Over the course of 2 weeks, the claims manager would return my call once every 2 days and attempt contact only that once every 2 days without any indication of phoning me back;<br />• A five minute voicemail was left by said claims manager detailing information regarding an ill person suffering lymphatic issues whom has no relation to my motor vehicle insurance claim; which is the longest period of time the woman was on a call to me throughout this entire process. <br />• Each time I returned her call, I received an automated message which commenced after three rings, telling me to leave a message and “someone” will return my call within 1 business day. <br />• I was not made aware my claim went to the investigations team until day 23 of my claim and I was not, and still have not been informed of why this was the case outside of “because your car was stolen”;<br />• My claim had not begun to be investigated until after the 2 weeks of phone tag with the claim manager when I finally was able to speak directly to her;<br />• I received no follow up email as promised outlining the reasoning behind the investigation, who was the agency investigating my claim, what the investigation would consist of, what my duties and rights were during the investigation, where I could go should I have concerns or the length of time the investigation was expected to take. <br /><br /><br /> I am to understand as per Shannons’ PDS dated 3/12/2020, [effective for policies with a commencement date or a renewal date on or after 23 March 2021], on page 48 under “how to pay your excess”; I was to be given the choice of how to pay my excess. <br />This choice was not given to me. <br />On the date I lodged my claim, I was made to pay the excess at the time of my call. This excess equated to $700. It was not clearly explained to me why I was to pay this amount at that time, I was only told it was “so that my claim can progress”.<br /> As per my policy, my excess is $600. Later research conducted by me indicated I was charged an additional $100 for the right to have my premiums deemed “flexible”. I was not aware I was pay an extra excess fee to be able to modify my premium and excess amounts as I deemed necessary. I assumed this was my right as a paying consumer. <br />Had I of been given the choice as to when my excess will be paid, given the fact I had just had my car of 12 years stolen while I was away from my home, I would have opted to pay this at a later date to ensure I had adequate funds to cover the rental car bond I also paid for within my premiums. <br />. As per Shannons’ PDS on page 52 and page 53, under the headings “If your vehicle has been stolen”, “IF YOUR VEHICLE IS A TOTAL LOSS” and “Deductions from your total loss claim”<br />If your vehicle has been stolen<br />……“If your vehicle is not found within 14 days after being stolen, and we accept your claim for theft of your vehicle, your vehicle becomes a total loss (see below).<br /> IF YOUR VEHICLE IS A TOTAL LOSS<br />Your vehicle becomes a total loss if:<br />• it is stolen and unrecovered after 14 days and we accept your claim for theft of your vehicle; or……<br />Deductions from your total loss claim<br />When we pay you for a total loss claim we will deduct the following where applicable, from the amount we pay you:<br />•excesses;” ….<br />With the Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy Product Disclosure Statement stipulating on two separate occasions that the excess amounts payable by me could and would be deducted from my claim, I feel by being coerced into paying at the time of my lodgement and while in a vulnerable and highly emotional state of mind, Shannons is in breach of their own Policy and in turn, the General Insurance Code of Practice. <br />Given the fact that for reasons undisclosed to me by Shannons, my claim has been sent to the “investigations team”, I feel that from my first initial contact with Shannons whilst lodging my claim for theft, being made to pay the excess amount without further choice- as was my legal right- it appears clear that Shannons had deemed my case in need of investigation even before the claim had matured to the 14 days total loss phase. <br />This realisation only adds to the feel of victimization I am receiving from Shannons. <br />Furthermore, this statement as per written in the same above mentioned PDS also contradicts the 43 days I have been waiting to settle my claim thus far. <br /> I was not offered the hire car I paid for within my premiums, I had to ask for it prior to the agent finalizing my call. The agent in question was in the process of wrapping up my call when my partner reminded me I had a hire car option attached to my policy. I then brought this to the attention of the agent who then, rather than book the car for the 21 days allowable within my policy, booked the car for 14 days, giving me hope my car could very well be found or the claim will be settled within this time. <br />During the course of this claim I have received little to no communication from Shannons. <br />I have needed to phone Shannons and Suncorp multiple times to obtain an update after initially being told to wait out the 14 days prior to phoning for an update. <br />I have provided Shannons with everything they have asked me for to assist with finalising my claim. I have accepted the claim being escalated for further investigation and understand – by purely guessing and allowing for respectful consideration for the process- that this may be normal due process as my vehicle, to my knowledge, has not been recovered. I am yet to find anywhere in any document given to me by Shannons to state that this course of action may occur, why it may be necessary, what to expect, what my duties are, what my rights are and the expected duration of this particular process may be. <br />How is omitting of these facts and policies be allowable under legislation? <br />As it stands, I am hesitant to phone for an update on my claim at present as I feel I have been treated like a criminal from my first contact with the claims department, and am fearful if I “hound” the agency any further it will bring a negative view on my case. This in itself is difficult. Not only am I without transport owned by me and the inconvenience that entails, I had owned my car for 14 years. It is – was - and will always be my pride and joy. To find some disrespectful thug had stolen it while I slept was devastating to say the least. Add the trauma and lack of empathy and communication from Shannons as a whole, the woman appointed “my” claims manager and other personnel working directly or indirectly on behalf of Shannons, this experience has been one I would not wish on anyone.<br /> Moving forward, after this experience, the decline this has caused to my mental health, and after insuring my pride and joy through Shannons for the 14 years I had possession of my car, -during which time I spent upwards of $14,000 on premiums to Shannons- I can not in all good conscience recommend Shannons or its partners to any motor vehicle enthusiast or any individual motorist for that matter. I feel in doing so would be unjust. <br />Sincerely, <br />Ben

Lack of communication

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Customer seeks settlement for vehicle from shannons, frustrated with lack of communication and delays in claim process, left without a drivable car.
I have had zero communication with Shannon’s throughout my claim process, my vehicle has been sent to places that don’t accept storm damage, places that are capacity and now my vehicle has been asses 3 months ago and has 21 days ago been deemed a total loss, I have emailed and complained telephoned and sent to other departments that have never answered. I’ve spent over 15 hours on hold. I would like settlement done on my vehicle and payment received and the report se t to me so I can fix my car ready for inspection. I have been left with a vehicle that I’ve been told I can not drive. I work in various locations so being without a car is an extreme inconvenience and very costly to me.

Unjust invoice for incident

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Gurpreet Kaur

Gurpreet Kaur

Customer seeks compensation and an apology regarding an unfair invoice related to an incident with a Shannon customer.
Hi my name gurpreet kaur sandhu ,i m not shanon coustmer but i was involved in a incident with shanon coustmer ,but shanon staff asked me to provide all details about incident and I explained everything about that in detail on the many occasions but shanon staff still not satisfied and sent the claim of $1450 ,but it was not my mistake and I described them but thet are doing the favour of sahnon coustmer and without given any proof and details they straight away sent me invoice to deposit of the cost of incident vehicle


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Unknown car issue

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Unknown car issue


June 5, 2024

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Resolved < 48 hrs

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Resolved < 1week



Delayed payout after car write off

I used Ajust to create a complaint. Fast, fair and free.
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Delayed payout after car write off


April 26, 2024

lightning bold icon

Resolved < 48 hrs

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Resolved < 1week


how to raise a complaint with


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For the most part, insurance is set and forget however unfortunately, things can go wrong. Whether it's a billing issue or problem with the processing or a claim, Ajust is here to simplify the complaint process to give you the best chance of a fast and fair resolution.

Do you need to make a complaint to your insurance provider? Ajust makes it easy, regardless of whether it's one of the big providers or perhaps one that is less known. The intuitive online platform only takes a couple of minutes and then Ajust follows up with you to ensure you reach a resolution for your complaint.

How to complain to


Ajust helps hundreds of consumers each month by making the complaint process simple and easy. Ajust’s platform ensures that all essential information is included before sending the complaint to the insurer. Here are steps to consider before getting started.

Describe the issue and how it affected you
Help the insurer understand what went wrong, whether it's a delay in claim settlement, a billing dispute, or another issue affecting your policy. Explain how the situation has impacted you.
Consider how you’d like the insurer to resolve your complaint
Help {Insurance Company} by being clear with your requested resolution, such as expediting the claim, fixing a billing issue or addressing policy concerns.
Gather any materials that support your complaint
Sharing relevant files can support your complaint and help achieve a fast and fair outcome. Policy documents, claim documents and correspondence with the insurer are examples of things you could consider including with your complaint.
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Resolving issues with Ajust

Ajust makes complaints easy for consumers and businesses. Our platform resolves complaints in three easy steps!

How Ajust works, user shares their story

Tell your story

You’ve experienced an issue with a business and you want a resolution. Ajust asks the right questions about what happened, so your story gets heard. It only takes a few minutes.

Ajust uses your story to automatically create a complaint. We send your complaint with the right details, to the right place – so you get the right outcome.

Submit your complaint

Ajust uses your story to automatically create a complaint. We send your complaint with the right details, to the right place – so you get the right outcome.

The business responds to your complaint to offer a resolution. If you’re not happy, Ajust helps you escalate your complaint to the ombudsman or switch to a new provider.

Get your resolution

The business responds to your complaint to offer a resolution. If you’re not happy, Ajust helps you explore other options for an outcome.


You can also learn more about Ajust here.

Who can use Ajust?

Ajust can be used by any Australian consumer to resolve complaints with any Australian businesses.

How much does it cost?

Nothing! It's free for consumers to use Ajust. Consumers can upgrade to a paid version of our platform if they need to take more action or want to get faster results.

How does Ajust make money?

Consumers and businesses can pay Ajust for extra support to resolve complaints.

Is Ajust independent?

Ajust is an independent business that operates separately from the businesses listed on our website. Our priority is helping consumers resolve their complaints, because we believe that is good for consumers and good for businesses. Ajust is also separate from government, ombudsmen and regulators.

Is it better to complain through Ajust?

Much better! Ajust makes the process easy for you by collecting the right information, sending your complaint to the right place, following up with the business and much more. And it's free for consumers to get started.

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